Erin Ware is an artist and illustrator living in Savannah, Georgia. She completed a Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Regent College (Vancouver, B.C.), with a concentration in Christianity and the Arts in 2018, and has previously taught High School in East Jerusalem, worked at a non-profit as a communications director in Atlanta, and traveled to places like Kazakhstan, India, and Jordan. These days she spends her time much more domestically, being mom to Felix and Evangeline, wife to Nathan, and finds time to paint in the in-between times.
I just want to make beautiful things.
My idea of beautiful includes well-crafted, intentional, meaningful objects that bring life and comfort into our living spaces. Along with the paintings and prints I create, I am working on designs for everything from wallpaper to notebooks, pillows to plates. My dream clients include Anthropologie, Hello Bello (yes, diapers!), West Elm, and Fringe Studio, for starters, but I’m sure there are many more! Contact me if you’re interested in working with me.
Let’s be friends. (I’ll share my chocolate.)
I'm so glad you're here.Here are a few things about me that you won’t find in the average bio:
I love the photo above so much because it's me in my natural habitat: in my chair, surrounded by books and chocolate. The only thing that would make it more authentic would be if I was wearing pajama pants and a ponytail, with no makeup on, but then I wouldn't feel so comfortable putting it on the internet. :)
Most of the time I feel completely inadequate, so don't let this fancy about page fool you into thinking I really know what I'm doing. We're taking it step by step.
For personality nerds (like me) I am an Enneagram 5w4, INFP, HSP, Rebel, Ravenclaw... I'm still working out some of this stuff, but I find it endlessly fascinating.
I started painting for real when I was 30. I have not taken any formal art classes… yet.
I have several picture books and a young reader's novel floating about in my head. (I’ll get to them eventually!)
This is way, way more than you would get out of me if you caught me out in the wild, if you ever happened to see me outside of my house.