2023 Uppercase Design Guide Submission

Every couple of years, Uppercase Magazine has an issue that is called the Uppercase Surface Pattern Design Guide. It’s amazing and beautiful, and when I received my copy almost two years ago, I resolved that I would submit some of my own artwork and attempt to be a part of this gorgeous artifact when the opportunity came around the next time.

It’s hard to believe it has been two years! I have spent the time honing my craft, especially in regards to surface design. In 2022 I took Immersion by Bonnie Christine, and, to be honest, am still trying to work my way through that (giant) course. Over the last year I have also been a creator on Patreon focusing on creating artwork for my patrons to use in their journals, but with the end goal in mind of creating some work that I could use for my portfolio and within designs for greeting cards or products.

I got so focused on Patreon that I barely updated this website. Whoops!

The time came, and I did submit to the Uppercase Design Guide. Here’s what I sent in:

I’m happy with the result, though I can see tons of room for growth. I’m still trying to figure out how to turn my traditional media looseness into vector based patterns. I might be trying to figure that out for some time. But I think this shows a good range of what I’m doing these days, and it makes me happy to look at.

So, here’s to long-term goals and checking them off the list!

I heard there were almost 1000 submissions and only 100 make it into the guide, but whatever the outcome I’m really happy that I tried!


I did not get in, which was a little disappointing but I’m still glad I tried. I’ve learned some things and see a lot of room for improvement. I’ll try again in a couple years. :)


The Patreon Experiment


Journaling and Art Supplies Packing